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A Revelation...

Hey there, guys and gals! Guess who's baaack?! 😄, not Arnold. 😵

Anyway... 😏

I just had an epiphany this week, that I'd like to share with you all. I'll be honest... I've been quite addicted to both Youtube- and Facebook browsing, for quite a long time. Maybe you recognize the feeling? Yeah, dopamine. For me, this kind of spinned out of hand.

While I'm studying Digital Design, I have a pretty tight schedule during the week, and the longer I linger, the longer I need to study. I study from home, which is great... and at the same time, it takes a lot of discipline. As soon as I've gotten a couple of minutes of break, or when I've taken a longer break... I've immediatly started browsing. Either Youtube, or Facebook. Or both (not at the same time though, thank god!). The problem has been, that I haven't had any time left for doing the things that I REALLY, feel like doing (except for in the evenings). Eventually, I kind of got this empty feeling inside of me. I ignored it for awhile, but the feeling just wouldn't go away. Then I decided... I need to do something to constrain myself.

That's when I decided to completely delete the Youtube-app from my phone (Facebook had been deleted about a year earlier). And you know what? Once I got to those breaks in my studies, without the app... at first, I felt kind of "What should I do now?". But then... relief. Bliss. Complete... relaxation. I felt great. I couldn't keep up with my addiction anymore! I had CONSTRAINED myself! AWESOME! 😄

Then I got this thought... what should I do instead? I thought on it for awhile. I ransacked my deepest feelings and thoughts... is there something I've been wanting to do, all this time... that I just haven't simply gotten too, because of my app addiction? What do I really want to do, the most? Then it hit me... I want to continue reading my Resident Evil book. Last time I read some pages in it, was like, in 2015. 😵

Since then, I've done just that. I've started reading during my breaks, instead of maintaining my past dopamine addiction. And you know what? I'd highly recommend this, to anyone. I feel like, a part of me, that has been lost, for a long time... is finally back. I feel whole again. And it's awesome.

Birger out. 👊


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