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Secret Revelation!

The time has come ... the time has come to finally reveal what my current secret project is. I told you earlier that it is something that both old and new fans would be able to enjoy ... it is also something that I have done in the past. The truth is that I am currently making:


See now? It's something both old and new players could enjoy, isn't it? :D Exciting huh? ;)

So, what is this remake going to feature, you ask? I'll give you a quick check-list:


Also some things that MIGHT be featured:


That's it folks! Hope I just made some of you happy by letting you know this. :)

Let me know what you think!

*Do you have any ideas for any kind of additions to the module?
*Got a sidequest you'd like me to add?
*A character?
A Monster?


Berra out.


  1. Interesting - I am currently playing that mod.
    I just got to the second level of the tower... should I stop playing and check out the remake first? (As silly as it sounds it acctually makes sense - when I write a story, I rather let the people read the second, improved version instead of the first, unpolished one.)
    As for the mod itself, you've made it so incredibly playable - it's simply amazing. I don't particulary like the cliche plot (or, at least what I've seen so far), but I just can't stop playing. It simply flows, and that is probably the greatest achivement for any mod.

    Well, I recon this is something to really look forward to.

  2. Aha -- what a coincidence. :D Hmm ... well, you can choose to do whichever you want there actually. I will release the remake as a completely new mod and leave the old version as it is. So if you have the time and desire, I'd recommend playing through both. Firstly because they're going to be seperate mods and secondly because it could be fun, at least to me personally, to play through the old version first and then go to the remake. That way players will be able to spot the differences more accurately. :) But ultimately; the choice is yours but the tip from me is playing through both.

    Heh - glad to hear that you think it's incredibly playable. :) Such flattery! :D Glad to hear I succeded in bringing forth a great adventure. :)

    Yeah the remake is something to look forward to. If I was a fan of my own modules (which I am in a sense ;) but anyway) I'd be looking forward to this very much. :)

  3. Ahem - I never said that I wouldn't play thru both. But, I'd rather see the ending in it's remastered version, so it has a greater impact. Namely, you said that the ending would be slightly different, so I guess that you saw something that could be improved, or changed for the better.
    So, I'll just put playing the old mod on hold 'till I finish the new one...
    BTW - do you have a sort of title\logo for it? If not, I'd be delighted to make one.
    And one more thing - will you do a remake for "A new journey begins" also?

  4. Okay, fair enough. :) Well, the ending won't be majorly changed just a few bits here and there will be changed. But you can put the old mod on hold in the meantime if you like.

    Regarding the logo: no, I don't currently have one so yeah, if you have the time I'd be glad to look at what you could come up with. :) Have any work you've done in the past that I can view?

    Finally, when it comes to ANJB: I have thought about it ... but as it is now it is already pretty polished ... so I might skip a remake for that one. But I nave thought about changing a few things for it ... but we'll see. :)

  5. Yea, I have some work from the past... check out this link:

    I am the sole creator of that comic, though I haven't updated it in quite a while now :(
    Yes, I know it starts relatively cliche, but it is a rather important part of the story, and the next couple of pages will take the comic (or should I call it a graphic novel?) in a very different direction and several ambient changes, so I am rather busy with that. And a bug that crashes Oblivion when I equip a custom made amulet thats also very important for the story :P
    Oh, and over there you'll find the link to my blog, where (soon I hope) I will put up some of my graphic work (illustrations and covers for my stories).
    As for ANJB, I can't say anything since I haven't played it - yet :)

  6. Can't seem to find your e-mail anywhere...
    Anyway, I put up the work i mentioned earlier, and I also uploaded the first version of the CBS cover (or whatever I should call it).
    The silouethes at the horizon are just preliminary, and I'll change them to what you would prefer (the town of Flexy, or maybe the tower?) And I'm still sprucing up the rain effect.
    Here is the link to the blog:
    You can find the CBS picture in the photo\my work section.

  7. Darn it - THAT'S REALLY AWESOME, MAN! :D It fits the mod pretty well, I think. :)

    Regarding the siluetts ... I'd actually like to have both the tower and the town featured somehow. Like as if you make the town where you have the trees and the house and if you could add the tower near the storm cloud, or even better: make the siluett of the tower within the storm. :) The latter would fit best I think. :D

    Thanks for making it man and I am looking forward to the next version! :)

    BTW: if you'd like to send me an email go to this page:

    That system isn't always working though but you can always just keep on posting news here. :)

  8. Before I make any significant changes, I need to know - do you need the picture in a higher resolution?
    And are you content with the rain effect?
    Thanks for the praise, though.

  9. You're welcome. :)

    I think that resolution would be fine but perhaps if you make it a bit larger? Wait -- why not make it "wallpaper friendly", so that people can use it as a wallpaper? I'm not that good when it comes to what kind of resolution would fit best so I guess I'll just have to go with my own resolution which is: "1024 X 768".

    And yeah, I think I'm pretty content with the rain effects. Go for it, man! :)

    Oh - just one more thing! I added your blog to my bloglist. :) So that other will have access to it as well. :D

  10. Right - I might have to rework most of the picture, but I have a couple of ideas that will probably make it look better.
    Higher res it is then. I'll probably make it in about 1152x864
    and then downsize it to 1024 as well.
    I'll get right on it... tomorow. Right now, I'm having problems keeping my eyes open... *yawn*
    Thx for the bloglist, though I don't know when I'll put up new stuff there. Might be soon, and then again it might be a while longer. Dunno.
    Good night...

  11. Sure. Be sure to let me know once you've come up with something!

  12. heyheyhey,

    so... are you creating a nwn 1 or nwn 2-mod?

    unfortunately i still found no time to play any of your modules... :(

    all the best for your project!
    good old ryam

  13. Hey Ryam! Long time no hear! :D

    This remake is made with NWN1 as is my other horror-module project "Insania Fabula". Both are made with NWN1. I haven't managed to learn the NWN2 toolset yet. :D

    Ah - no worries man. Hope you find some time to play them in the future! Thanks for the luck man! :)

  14. Right - the second, high-res (1280x960) version of the picture is up. It's next to the old one.
    I might need to put more work in the rain and the silhouettes (make 'em smaller), and maybe change them entirely, it's up to you. I don't think it's done yet.
    See if I need to change the shape of the tower, or make it more visible.
    So, anyway, let me know what you think.

  15. Great to see a new version! Here's some pointers though:

    You should try making the silhouettes smaller and I think they would fit the size of the silhouette from the other version ... so that viewers will feel that the storm is something large and menacing compared to the small village.

    Also make the tree smaller and lessen the fire effects a little if that's possible. Good idea to include it by the way! It is after all featured just outside the village. :) Good idea!

    Next is the tower then. Yes, I think you should make it a little more visible and I have an idea of a different shape of the tower as well:

    Something like that instead.

    Looking forward to what you can come up with next!

  16. Right - I already reduced the size of the buildings, and did some work on the tower, but I'll scrap that and do it similar to what you have shown me. It won't be hard.
    However, I'm not sure what does "lessening the fire effect" mean exactly... Do you mean make it dimmer, or smaller? The fire is completely hand-drawn (mouse drawn that is :P) and, although I have no instant sliders to change, I can redraw it rather easily, just give me the exact explanation.
    I think we might as well take the discusion about the pictures to the photo album - anonymous comments are allowed (hint hint :D ). It's getting cluttered around here.
    I'll have the new version up soon, I hope, but we are doing some major electrical instalations repairs around the house, so I might be unable to do any work on the picture for half a day. We'll see.

  17. Yeah I agree, let's continue the discussion at:

    :) I'll give you some feedback and explanation of what I mean there once I get the time.


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