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Time for Closure.

Hey everyone. I won't be keeping this back any longer, since it's something I've been juggling back and forward with for the latest months. It's bad news I'm afraid, folks, but here it goes ... I've finally decided to end my mod-making hobby for NWN1. Sorry folks.

I know some of you may feel pretty sad and/or disappointed with this choice but I feel that I have to do this ... it feels like I've kept modding for far too long ... and in the years since when I released Surviving Horror 2 back in the end of 2006, well ... they haven't been that creative in the mod-making department, I'll have to admit.

The creativity that I possessed then simply isn't there anymore, in the same way as before, and I've been going back and forth between different mod-ideas: Angelic Life - a fantasy one, A Resident Evil mod, Insania Fabula ... and in hopes of finding my creativity again, I started Puppet Masters in order to distan myself from previous works and ideas ... ideas that all ended up feeling pretty dry after awhile. Probably mostly because it takes up so much time of my life to bring my ideas into the game that I loose my creativity on the way while encountering various bugs and other annoying problems.

I feel that I need to move on to other things now instead of simply "waiting" for my creativity to come back to me. I simply don't have the time I used to have. I have a full-time job and ... well, I usally end up starting too many projects all at once since I have such a wide-ranged creativity. For example, I have bought a dozen (probably more) dvds that I've been wanting to watch and well, haven't had the time to ... and there's a lot of games that I haven't even touched. Take Mass Effect for example ... I bought it on release day ... and I haven't even started playing. That's how bad it is.

Perhaps I need to get a little more structure on the stuff I do in order for it to work better ... and the thing is that I'm mostly too tired when I get home from work to put much time in anything creativity-like besides surfing the net, downloading stuff and just trying to load my batteries ... since it is clearly needed. And yesterday all of this struck me ... I need to leave some of the stuff I've been doing behind to prevent feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff I just HAVE TO FINISH. That's why I made the decision to end mod-building for NWN.

Thanks to everyone who has been following this blog. Both those I know of (my 5 devoted followers comes to mind ;) ) who's been posting comments and those who's just been reading the stuff I've been writing. Most importantly I'd like to thank Archon (Zoltan) for being a constant blog-commenter and giving support/ideas and the like ... and also for taking the time to make artwork for my mods. :) Awesome person.

And finally, perhaps a little comfort in all this ... there could be a chance that I will come back to mod building someday but in that case it won't be for NWN1 ... it'd be either for NWN2, Dragon Age or any other more "modern" game that most folks play. For I haven't managed to claim a Hall of Fame for those games yet ... ;) But it's not a promise.

That's all for now folks. I may still be posting stuff about NWN on this blog but it will probably not be for quite awhile.

Take care all,

Berra out.


  1. Sorry to hear this Eric. I do understand though.

    Play Mass Effect dude! It rocks! I think it is against the law to own it since release and not have played it. hehe :P

    Then you need to check out Assassin's Creed, it is a lot of fun and so well done!

    Go have some fun, get all those DVD's and games watched or played and enjoy life. :) Keep it touch though! Just cuz your not modding any longer. Doesn't mean we all don't want to see you hanging around!


  2. And another one bites the dust :(

  3. I understand.. I too have felt stretched thin by my NWN "hobby"..

    The NWN Community will miss you ..

    I do have one little pearl of wisdom I've gleaned from 43-years of life... Never say never.

    Have fun and Enjoy!!

    Dave :)

  4. You have an impressive body of work. Most builders would have called it quits a long time ago. Enjoy your new found free time. I hope you will find another suitable outlet for your creativity.

    It is always sad from a community perspective to see a modder closing shop. And the impact on the collective psyche is all the greater when that modder is a blogger as well.

    But I'm heartened in spite of this by all the new names that continue to appear in the builder forums, and the new crops of builders that never cease to spring up.

    Good luck, and hope to see you back in action someday.

  5. Oh, crud. There goes...

    Well, yeah, I'm very sorry to hear it too...

    I understand, though. Free time is a fleeting thing, isn't it?

    I can still count on you for support for my own module (if I do get to do it at all), right? :P
    The artwork that's in the making will be finished, no worries there :) (I can't say when, unfortunately).

    And I pretty much agree with all that Liso said here.

  6. Sorry to hear that your creative thoughts are coming as easily as they once were. All I can suggest is to get out there and do some of those things - like playing other games, watching DVDs and all such things.

    You'll have a blast playing through various games (and mods!) and get some much earned rest. Moreover, I imagine the break from building, and taking in some new experiences will help that creative spark burn bright once again.

    Best wishes,

  7. Hi Berra,

    I (probably like many others) know this feeling all to well. :( And you can almost be sure that it will be to do with overdoing it and being tired. I suffer from M.E. and I have to say "stop" every now and then because it starts to overwhelm me.

    That said, after taking some time out, you will probably find that the inspiration will return. The trick, however, is to keep control of your ambition and imagination. Think of an idea and stick with it.

    If you spread your energy and resources too thinly, then you will achieve nothing.

    I too made the decsision to work with only one toolset and is why I no longer mod with NWN1. I will support what I have done, but anything new is being done with NWN2. And, as an example of what I was saying above, even when I buy Dragon Age, I will *not* be modding from that game at the same time as NWN2. It will be one or the other.

    At least keep blogging if you can, so we can see how you are getting along. And be sure to keep your feedback coming to those of us who are still struggling along ... ;) For your comments and suggestions will be most welcome. :)


  8. Well, it's a time that does arrive for everyone in the creative field, more so with a game engine that is 6+ years old; interest does fade with time in this case.

    Thanks for all of your support with Almraiven and Shadewood, as well as providing the NWN community with your own creative juices.


  9. Detta var ett väldigt tråkigt beslöt men jag förstår dig.
    Man ska inte behöva tvinga sig att göra något kreativt, det ska komma automatiskt. Jag önskar dig det bästa i vad än du väljer att göra här näst.
    Njut av Mass Effect, ett av de bästa spelen jag någonsin spelat! :)

  10. Hey Berra, this is the same problem I have been facing. You wanna know how many different versions of my next Madman game there are? Eight. Yeah. I worked on one until I got a little tired of the idea, and I just stopped. I have six other projects, all of which I plan on finishing, but know I won't.. Mostly due to my school, my job, my girlfriend, and well, my lack of creativity at the moment. But forget that now. You now dont have to worry about getting onto NWN to try and fix the eighty(+) issues that might pop up, or deal with annoying flamers, or any of this other stuff. Enjoy your life, though I must ask; Is this the end of your blog than? I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope it might let us know when your doing something in the future.

    Best of regards,

  11. Hey everyone. :)

    Thank you all for your nice comments and Happy new year to all of you. I've not been able to send any replies to ya yet since I'm currently not at home on a decent computer. I'm on vacation on Gran Canaria! At least now I found a computer that can decently work when opening my website since it has crashed on most other computers. :S :D It's awesome weather and swimming times at least. :D

    I'll be home sometime in the beginning of next week and then I'll give you all more decent replies. :)

  12. Here's more detailed replies to everyone:


    Yeah, I'll be sure to play it. It seems really awesome indeed. I've played through a little in the beginning so I've at least managed to start now. :D

    Assassin's Creed has actually been bought some time ago, though I still haven't played it but it's on my "to-do-list".

    I'll be sure to keep in touch from time to time and keep sticking around. :)


    Well, as they use to say: "That's the way the cookie crumbles."


    Glad to hear you understand. Yeah, I hope the community will miss me, because that'll mean I've done a pretty good job as a blogger/modder. :)

    Hehe, you're right about that pearl of wisdom. :)

    Thanks man.


    Thanks for your compliments and for the well wishes. :)

    Yeah you're right ... I've been thinking the same when seeing other modders closing up. Glad both my blogging and modding has had a positive impact. :)

    Indeed. There's always new talented people popping up and it gladens me as well.

    Thank you and yeah ... I too hope I'll be back someday. :)

    (that's all the time I have for now, I'll continue answering the rest of you later on ... my brother wants me to watch a dvd with him ... :) )

  13. *Zoltan,

    Indeed free-time is a fleeting thing. Glad you understand. :)

    Of course, I'd still love to help with anything you need to know. :) All to help you get into mod-making. Maybe you'll even turn into the new Berra ... ;)

    And no worries about the artwork. You finish it once you have the time. :) Really looking forward to it.


    Thanks, yeah I'll be sure to do that. :)

    Indeed, I'm looking forward to a lot of games and enjoy my rest. :) Yeah, I think that spark will return once I've enjoyed stuff a bit more. :D


    *Lance Botelle

    Thanks for commenting and giving those awesome tips! I'll be sure to remember that. To try and stick with one project at a time and not spread my energy too thinly. I'll be sure to try doing that. Thanks!

    Yeah, I'll probably continue blogging once in awhile and I'll be sure to comment on stuff I play and download and on other people's blogs ... since I know how much comments means to an author. :)

    Thanks man!


    Indeed. NWN1 is getting really gray these days ... even got a beard. :D

    You're very welcome and glad you enjoyed the support. :) And I'm glad I could show my creative stuff to the community and let them play my games. It's been awesome. :) Thanks!


    Jag förstår och skönt och höra att du förstår mig med. :) Och jag håller med fullständingt.

    Jag har testat Mass Effect lite och det verkar vara riktigt grymt! Ska verkligen njuta ... och när man hör från många att det är det bästa spel som dom spelat ... tjaa, det gör det ju bara ännu roligare. :) Tack så mycket för all support!


    Eight version? Man! That's a lot indeed. :) But seriously, I more than anyone undestand your situation. Maybe you should leave mod-making for the moment too? Just to get back your creativity. Or listen to Lance's suggestion and do your best to focus your energy on ONE thing instead of multiple ones.

    And yeah, I think you can keep my blog on your favorites since I'll most likely be posting stuff here in the future as well ... once I do something fun. :D I may choose to start a new blog though so it won't be just a nwn blog ... but I'll probably keep it anyways since there's still alot to post about for NWN2. :) See you later then Kelkesh! :)

    Thanks again for everyones comments! It means more than you know people! :) Thanks!


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